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Want to Take Care of People While Taking Care of Yourself? Explore the Benefits of a Career in Complimentary Therapy

Do you work in a caring profession? Sadly, burnout is a big problem among dedicated professionals who spend their days taking care of others. If you find yourself searching for a meaningful escape that not only allows you to continue caring for people but also prioritises your own well-being, a career in complementary therapy could be the perfect solution. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of embracing complementary therapy, both as a fulfilling vocation and a valuable income stream; realising that this industry not only allows you to continue the highly valuable work of caring for others but actually puts the importance of self-care at the heart of your work.

So! What does a career in complementary therapy offer? 

indian head massage1. Meaningful Connection:

Complementary therapists have the unique opportunity to build profound connections with their clients. Unlike the fast-paced environment that many of us have become accustomed to, therapy sessions allow for more personal and in-depth interactions. This meaningful connection can be deeply fulfilling for those who thrive on providing genuine care and support.

One of the other differences you might find is that in public sector caring professions, you likely encounter yourself working to form relationships with people who predominantly don’t know they need that relationship, placing a huge amount of the work on you. In complementary therapy, it’s the other way around. Clients seek you out because they want your skills and your input. This simple change is one that many find liberating and empowering; you can make a difference and feel appreciated for it. You get to change people’s lives and be thanked for it. 

2. Diverse Specialisations:

From massage therapy and acupuncture to aromatherapy and reflexology, the world of complementary therapy offers a wide array of specialisations. This diversity allows you to find a niche that aligns with your interests and passion for helping others. Whether you choose to focus on physical or mental well-being, you can tailor your career to suit your strengths and preferences.

For instance, many midwives choose to use their skills and knowledge to train in reflexology and specialise in fertility. Moreover, there is the opportunity to think outside the box and find innovative new ways to bring skills together to support a particular niche. In this example, it could be taken a step further by combining aromatherapy with the midwifery and reflexology to work as a doula who offers comprehensive support from fertility, throughout pregnancy and all the way to childbirth, creating an exceptional blend of holistic services for a specific client base.

3. Flexibility and Autonomy:

One of the most appealing aspects of working as a complementary therapist is the flexibility it offers. You have the freedom to set your own schedule, creating a healthy work-life balance. This autonomy not only reduces the risk of burnout but also allows you to prioritise self-care, a crucial element for those accustomed to putting others first. Arrange work around your life, not life around your work. 

reflexology4. Supplemental Income Stream:

For public sector workers facing the challenges of budget constraints, a career in complementary therapy can provide a valuable supplemental income stream. As you embark on this journey, you're not only nurturing your passion for helping others but also securing a financial cushion that can ease the pressure often associated with public sector roles.

Often, we can put pressure on ourselves, believing that if we re-train it means a whole career shift. It doesn’t have to be like that. You can create a blend that works for you, generating an extra income stream by for example, treating two or three clients on a Saturday morning to ease the pinch.

5. Control Over Your Destiny:

Choosing to be self-employed as a therapist rather than being employed brings forth a myriad of advantages. While employed positions might offer a sense of security, there is very often a restructure on the horizon and the uncertainty it brings can impede long-term stability and growth. Contrastingly, the path of self-employment offers a liberating sense of autonomy, enabling you to forge your own destiny. By being self-employed, you can gain control over your schedule, client base, and the services you offer, fostering a more personalised and flexible approach to your practice. This freedom allows for creativity in therapeutic methods and the ability to cultivate a unique professional identity, which can be immensely rewarding both personally and professionally. Additionally, the motivation and associated satisfaction derived from building one's own successful practice further illustrates the benefits of being self-employed.

It is important to note here that being self-employed also brings its own challenges. There is a very real requirement to wear all the hats in your business from providing the treatments, to marketing and accounting. In addition, if this is your only income stream then there becomes a huge pressure to get clients through the door which can be stressful until you build up a reputation, demand, and a waiting list.  

trigger point therapy6. Self-Care Integration:

In the pursuit of caring for others it is common to neglect our own well-being. Complementary therapy encourages a culture of self-care, reminding practitioners to prioritise their mental and physical health. By actively participating in self-care practices, you not only model healthy behaviours for your clients, but also safeguard your own resilience against burnout. It is becoming more evident than ever that if we don’t put our own mental and physical health first, it is easy to fall into a spiral of losing touch with ourselves including contentment and happiness. 


If you're working in a caring profession and yearning for a career that allows you to continue making a positive impact while prioritising your well-being, complementary therapy could be your gateway to a fulfilling and balanced life. With the added benefit of a supplemental income stream and the emphasis on holistic well-being, this career path is not just a job; it's a journey of self-discovery and genuine care for both yourself and those you serve.

Remember, it's not just about taking care of others; it's about taking care of yourself too. Explore the world of complementary therapy and embark on a fulfilling career that aligns with your passion and commitment to making a difference.