Course Overview
This two-day comprehensive FHT Accredited Hot Stone Massage course gives you the techniques necessary for delivering profoundly relaxing massage treatments to clients.
By integrating hot and cold stone massage therapy, you'll administer deeply therapeutic massages. Hot stone massage not only induces deep relaxation, positivity, and balance in clients but also safeguards the well-being of the therapist by preventing strain and muscular wear and tear.
Hot Stone Therapy, an advanced therapeutic massage method, harnesses the power of thermotherapy and cryotherapy. This technique involves the application of heated volcanic basalt stones and cold marble stones. Tracing its roots back to ancient Native American traditions, hot stone therapy stands as an invaluable addition to any massage or sports massage therapist's repertoire.
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
- Alleviates muscle tension and pain
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Facilitates better sleep
- May alleviate symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases and cancer
- Enhances immunity
- Induces deep relaxation and supports healing
- Promotes balance, detoxification, and cleansing
- Effective in targeting specific ailments
- Offers invigoration and stimulation