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Student Journeys
Sports Massage
Holistic Massage
Grow your business
Case Studies
Surface Anatomy
Finding Balance: How Reiki Can Help with Burnout, Anxiety, and Loss of Self
Building a Resilient and Successful Therapy Practice: Strategies for Standing Out, Boosting Confidence, and Creating Momentum
Does the Idea of Playing Detective to People's Aches and Pains Inspire You?
Want to Grow Your Business? Try This 9-Step Business Audit
Sort your Socials! A Quick Essential Social Audit for Therapists
Forget the ‘New Year, New You’ Hype—Here’s How to Start 2025 with Focus and Gentle Intent
How to Keep Your Therapy Business Thriving Through Quiet Times: Hints & Hacks to Handle Lulls and Boost Bookings
Busting Common Injury Rehab Myths: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
Secrets to success; how often do people tell you exactly how they built their business?
Learn how a simple, rehearsed one-liner can skyrocket your client leads and referrals.
Supporting our Clients to Maintain Balance Through Exercise: The Role of Homeostasis and Physical Activity
Why Reflexology Should Be Your Next Addition as a Complementary Therapist
Unlocking Pelvic Mobility: Rethink, Reinvent, and Revolutionise Your Routine
Blend you own relaxing muscle rub!
Piriformis Syndrome versus Sciatica; what's the difference and how can we treat?
Invitation to our Level 4 Sports Massage Taster Evening!
Blend your own energising room spray!
Want to Take Care of People While Taking Care of Yourself? Explore the Benefits of a Career in Complimentary Therapy
Top 5 Essential Oil Blends for Common Client Needs
Essential Oil Blends for Natural Hay Fever Relief
Take Your Sports Massage Skills to Level 4: Deep dive into what you get out of our Level 4 Sports Diploma
Understanding the Supraspinatus Muscle: Function and Importance
How to thrive and build a successful career as a sports massage therapist; Keep moving, stay match fit and build momentum through progression.
Unlocking the Shoulder; Everything you need to know!
It's Here! Injury Management & Rehabilitation
Debunking Myths: The Truth About Sports Massage
Your learning journey at the Cotswold Academy
Unlocking the Benefits of Sports Massage: Why It's for Everyone
Spark your curiosity with sports massage's investigative approach.
Fascia Unveiled: The body's hidden marvel and Its game-changing impact on our work
Inside The Classroom of our Two Day Taping and Strapping Course
Unlocking the Spine; A Therapists Guide
De-Stress and Embrace the Festive Spirit with a Calm, Cosy Christmas Aromatherapy Blend
Kick the Cold; A Reviving Inhalation Blend with Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Tea Tree
How to fix rounded shoulders, thoracic curvature & extension of the neck; Sternocleidomastoid
Sternocleidomastoid; what is it, where is it & what does it do?
Our favourite blend for reducing the effects of stress.
What is stress; understanding stress and how to manage it's affects.
Hand Reflexology for Stress; A simple technique to help reduce stress and anxiety.
Essential Oils as a Natural Remedy for Menopause Symptoms
Natural Relief: Essential Oils for Soothing Headaches
Relax and Revive: The rejuvenating effects of Hot Stone Massage
What is Reflexology? Watch our ultimate introduction to reflexology!
What are the benefits of Massage?
What to expect at our Thursday Evening drop-in sessions
How to blend your own nourishing hand & body moisturiser with essential oils.
How much pre-learning should I do before our classroom days?
Taking it to the next Level in Sports Massage; Level 4 Sports Massage
Three key reasons to progress to Level 5 Sports Massage
Releasing the Breath Part Two; Reflexology techniques to release the diaphragm & deepen the breath
Releasing the Breath Part One; Reflexology techniques to release the diaphragm & deepen the breath
Psoas; the muscle of the soul
How does stress affect us at our core? We share stress busting massage techniques for the core!
Student Journey; The marriage of personal training with soft tissue therapy!
Stress busting massage of the ankle and lower leg!
Anatomy of the Shoulder; A Massage Therapist's Guide.
How does stress show up in the body
Techniques to protect our thumbs, fingers and wrists from overuse as massage therapists; part three
Techniques to protect our thumbs, fingers and wrists from overuse as massage therapists; part two
Techniques to protect our thumbs, fingers and wrists from overuse as massage therapists.
How are you taking care of yourself, whilst taking care of others?
What is the most missed step of any marathon training programmes?
Muscle Energy Techniques hold enormous potential; follow these 3 simple steps to unlock the power of MET.
How to blend your own natural antibacterial cleaning spray!
How are you growing your business; three simple steps for making an action plan.
Create your own aromatherapy room spray!
The most powerful kind of marketing to grow your business
When a headache is a pain in the neck! We explore an unexpected source of headaches.
What is a knot, not?
Follow these 3 simple steps to create your own cosy autumnal diffuser blend with essential oils.
Receive our mailing to get all the latest news, tips & techniques direct to your inbox!
Hand Reflexology for Menopause; A simple technique to help balance hormones.
Reflexology is immensely important to support women through menopause; here's how!
What is Myofascial Cupping & what are the health benefits?
How to use Myofascial Cupping in our fight against rounded shoulders; Upper Trap & Deltoid
Surface Anatomy; the relationship between trapezius & deltoid
What is Fascia?
What is the difference between Kinesiology & Sports Taping?
What is Reflexology?
What is Muscle Energy Technique (MET)?
What is Trigger Point Massage?
How to use Trigger Point Massage to relieve pain and tension from the neck & shoulders
How to harness the power of seasonality; grow your bookings in 3 simple steps
As a therapist how do you choose your price point?
A therapists guide to engaging the core
A Reflexologists guide to Immune Points; we explore the reflex points for promoting immunity.
A therapists guide to Tension Headaches
A Reflexologists guide to Relaxation; we explore the reflex points for promoting relaxation.
A therapists guide to Sprained Ankles
Sports, remedial, soft tissue? How do you educate your clients that sports massage is for everyone?!
How to use massage with movement part 2; techniques to make your treatments more effective.
How to change career; an insight from chasing a career change to now coaching our therapists into the industry
Starting your own business? We share these key 3 lessons to save you learning the the hard way!
How to use massage with movement part 1; techniques to make your treatments more effective.
What is Aromatherapy? We take a closer look at aromatherapy and how it can add to your therapy business!
How to decide which course is right for you; red flags & tips to navigate the different qualifications
What is massage with movement? Who is it for and why would you use it?
Drumroll please... Introducing our brand new course; Kickstart your Therapy Business
Are you findable? Take these simple yet essential steps to promote your business. Bonus - they are all free!
The 2 vital steps you need to take to drive success in your business
How to blend to your own massage oil; perfect for soothing muscle aches & pains
How to tackle rounded shoulders; not just for sports therapists!
Where do you start your treatment? A focus on our most common client complaint, rounded shoulders.
Surface Anatomy; Protracted or Rounded Shoulders
Wellness and wellbeing; how is our industry being redefined and called upon and how can we approach this opportunity
As therapists how can we diversify our practice?
How to tear up the rule book and redefine your place in the market; Tamara's journey into the industry
Courses for Sports Massage Therapists; getting the edge on the competition
Courses for Massage Therapists & Aromatherapists; creating your point of difference
Courses for Reflexologists; stand out from the crowd
Pre-Event & Post-Event Massage Routines for Sports Massage Therapists
Don't put all your eggs in one basket; adding income streams to your business
Relax & refresh your mind; create your own invigorating inhalation in 3 simple steps!
Graduate Stories.... Stephanie Gosling
Time to change up gears! Taking it from Level 3 to Level 4 in Sports Massage
Graduate Stories....Sarah Jane Heath
Graduate Stories...Emma Dicker
Winter Giveaway
Graduate Stories...Sahand Zanjanipour
Have you Considered using Gift Vouchers to Promote your Business?
Thought for the Week - How do you share your business vision?
Update following latest COVID-19 guidance
Case Study; Jamelia has started getting persistent headaches with neurological symptoms.
Ways to engage with your clients during Aromatherapy Awareness Week
Case Study; Francesca is an ice hockey player and keen swimmer. She has started to experience shoulder discomfort and reduced range of motion.
Case Study; Sophie was new to collegiate rowing; after two months of training, Sophie began experiencing sharp pains on the right side of her rib cage
Make Every Day Earth Day
Case Study; Brett was involved in a car accident two weeks ago and is still experiencing neck pain.
Case Study; Jilly, 68 year old walker with arthritis has developed a gait pattern with dropped hips
Case Study; Alan - plantar fasciitis has hampered his efforts to exercise to improve his health
Case Study; Jack, 44, Golf enthusiast who has tweaked his lower back.
Case Study; Jennifer, tackling a triathlon but has hit a stumbling block with shoulder impingement.
Our new way of working; the perfect blend of online theory and hands on learning
Tips & tricks for creating compelling content for social media
Our key three; online marketing musts for therapists!
Tips for completing case studies during lockdown
Thursday Evenings LIVE- Case Study - Kelly; swimmer with shoulder pain 24.9.20 / 1.10.20 / 8.10.20 / 15.10.20
Thursday Evenings LIVE- Massage for Runners 17.9.20
Information about the new Infection Control Award
Thursday Evenings LIVE- Hip Flexors & QL 3.9.20
Thursday Evenings LIVE- Shoulders, Upper Back & Trunk 27.8.20
Thursday Evenings LIVE - Neck and Shoulders 20.8.2020
The new normal; protocol for our classrooms
What is the difference between Sports Massage & Holistic Massage?
7 things therapists should be doing daily
An open letter; it's time for our industry to be valued
Case Study; Lucy, 28 year old teacher, wants to get back to running after a sprained ankle
Key massage techniques for tight Hamstring & Calf Muscles
Lockdown to-do list; what we can all do now to boost our client base as lockdown lifts
Join us for our Online Open Day!
Building your business; create your action plan
Case Study; Eric, 57 year old teacher, runner & triathlete presenting with calf pain
A student's guide to learning at home; 7 steps to success!
Case Study: Elizabeth, 28 years old presenting with IBS amongst other symptoms
The key bony landmarks of the back & how to locate them - part 2
The key bony landmarks of the back & how to locate them
Case Study; John, 40 year old desk worker presenting with stiff shoulders.
Our approach to the Covid-19 pandemic
Finding & massaging the scalenes using the thoracic triangle to release tension held in the shoulders
Techniques to tackle tight hip flexors; release tension & relieve associated lower back pain
Simple massage techniques for the ankles; freeing up movement & releasing stress
Why so many clients suffer with rounded, protracted shoulders and how to fix it
Massage techniques to unlock and relieve stress & tension held in the neck & shoulders
How to work from home successfully
How we should prepare for the GDPR deadline
Adding On-Site Massage to your Offering
Are you Ready to Progress to Level 4 Sports Massage?
How Does Reflexology Work and Could it Help You?
Meet Hollie Bailey, Taping and L5 Sports Massage Tutor
Understanding Trigger Point Therapy
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