Cotswold Academy Graduate Story
Sahand Zanjanipour, ITEC L3 Sports Massage Graduate
What was your reason for studying/ changing careers?
I have a background in computational biomechanics, so I was always intrigued about the science behind body movement and how the muscles work. But my fascination with sports massage therapy began when I had a therapy session with a friend, the range of movement of my shoulder improved after a single massage session. After that, I decided to learn how to do a sports massage. 3 years later, when I was in between jobs, I had the time to do so.
I was very picky with the institute I wanted to enrol in. I asked the massage therapist I went to in Oxford, and she suggested the Cotswold Academy. I can easily say I have barely ever enjoyed learning anything as much, and I even enjoyed writing the coursework essays!
What did you enjoy most about learning with us?
First and foremost, the fact that we were told at the very beginning what we could and couldn't do as massage therapists, especially when it comes to working with physiotherapists and knowing that we don't diagnose patients. I liked that everything was evidence-based and contextualised. One of the most critical factors for me was how passionate and patient our tutor, Chris Phillips was, as he taught us more than the level we needed and kept us interested all along. The website was really informative and user-friendly yet interactive to use.
How have you used your training since?
I've been doing Sports Massage therapy part-time, and I have 3 to 4 clients per week. Recently, I have been introduced to new clients based on the feedback that my clients provide.
What are your plans and aspirations going forwards?
For the moment, I'm trying to get better at what I do and gain more experience at level 3. I have a plan to do the Level 4 Sports Massage course in a year to find out more about sports massage therapy and the role of fascia.
What's your biggest challenge for the year ahead?
The biggest challenge is to set up my own business. I would like to have a therapy space where I can perform massage therapy. Interestingly, the Cotswold Academy helps with that as well and gives advice.
What are you looking forward to most?
I like seeing the results of my session, especially in the post-assessment. I really enjoy interesting cases where a client comes in with pain somewhere in a body, and we find out the origin of the pain and explore different muscles in the body. As I said, I'd also like to increase confidence with massage techniques, gain experience, and understand how the whole boy works together in terms of muscle dynamics.
- Sahand Zanjanipour
Find out more about studying ITEC Level 3 Sports Massage here at the Academy