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Piriformis Syndrome versus Sciatica; what's the difference and how can we treat?

Watch as Chris Phillips, Sports Therapist & Principal of Cotswolds Academy, takes us through the differences between Piriformis Syndrome & Sciatica. What's at play and what we as Massage Therapists can do to treat both conditions.

Want to learn more? We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting evening dedicated to exploring the Level 4 in Sports Massage. This special event promises to be both informative and engaging, providing valuable insights into advanced sports massage techniques taught on the Level 4 in Sports Massage.

During the evening, Chris will guide you through a fascinating case study focusing on Piriformis Syndrome versus Sciatica. You will learn how to accurately assess these common pathologies and understand the distinct differences between them. Chris will share practical tips and methodologies on how to effectively treat each condition, empowering you with the knowledge and skills to enhance your practice.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey in sports massage, this event is designed to enrich your understanding and improve your expertise. We look forward to welcoming you for an evening of learning, networking, and professional growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your skills and connect with fellow enthusiasts in the field!

Join us to explore Piriformis Syndrome v’s Sciatica; from assessment to treatment using advanced massage techniques gained on Level 4. The evening will be a fantastic opportunity to explore the Level 4 Sports Massage course and it’s depth and breadth to see if it’s the right next step for your career - Thursday 1st August 2024 from 6pm - 9pm. Reserve your space here now by selecting the Thursday Evening session on August 1st.

Experiencing pain radiating down your leg or discomfort in your lower back can be distressing. Two common conditions associated with these symptoms are Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatica. Though they share similar symptoms, they differ in their origins and treatments.

Piriformis Syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock, spasms or tightens, compressing the sciatic nerve. This can result from prolonged sitting, overuse, or trauma. Symptoms include a dull ache in the buttock, pain down the back of the leg, and difficulty sitting.

Sciatica, on the other hand, is a symptom rather than a condition. It arises from irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, typically due to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease. The pain often starts in the lower back and radiates down the leg, sometimes reaching the foot, and can be sharp and severe.