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Essential Oil Blends for Natural Hay Fever Relief

Hay Fever ReliefRunny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing?

If you're suffering from hay fever, we have some natural solutions that might bring you relief. As a training provider in aromatherapy massage, we want to share a few essential oil blends that can ease your symptoms and help you breathe easier.

Essential Oils for Hay Fever Relief

These powerful essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to combat the discomfort caused by allergies:

Steam Inhalation: Put a few drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water and inhale the vapours. This method helps to open up your airways and provides immediate relief.

Night time relief: Put a few drops of essential oil on a tissue and place it in your pillowcase. This can provide relief throughout the night and help you sleep better.

Here are a few of our top picks:

Eucalyptus: Known for it's ability to ease inflammation in the lungs caused by allergies, Eucalyptus can make breathing easier.

Lavender: This natural antihistamine can reduce irritation and relax your breathing, helping you feel more comfortable.

Tea Tree: A great choice for it's anti-allergy properties, Tea Tree oil can also help in building immunity.

Peppermint: This oil helps open up the nose and relieve headaches that may result from stuffed sinuses.

Lemon: With it's anti-inflammatory properties, Lemon essential oil can improve immunity and is also antibacterial, making it excellent for respiratory issues.

Rosemary: Known for it's mucolytic properties, Rosemary helps alleviate congestion, making it easier to breathe.

Safety First! Always check the safety data and ensure the blends are safe for each person. Essential oils are powerful and should be used with care.

By incorporating these essential oils into your daily routine, you can find natural relief from hay fever symptoms. For more tips and advanced aromatherapy techniques, check out our courses and resources.

If you are not yet qualified, and would like to learn more about the properties and safe application of essential oils then take a look at our Diploma in Aromatherapy. Not only will you learn the properties of 45+ Essential oils and qualify as a clinical aromatherapist, you will also learn a full body massage routine and qualify as a massage therapist.

Take a look at our ITEC Diploma in Aromatherapy, taking you from beginner to professional therapist.

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