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Case Study: Elizabeth, 28 years old presenting with IBS amongst other symptoms

Case Study; Elizabeth


Elizabeth is a 28 year old presenting with the following symptoms

She has a long history of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which has been investigated by the doctor with no serious underlying problem. Her symptoms present as alternating constipation and diarrhoea flatulence, bloating and feeling generally sluggish. The symptoms are made worse by stress and admits that due to job demands she often skips meals or resorts to ready prepared ones. Her job is mainly desk centred and she suffers a lot from neck pain and headaches. She also suffers from sensitive skin. Psychologically - she feels down and has become less sociable of late.


Would you ask Elizabeth for any further information about herself? What other questions come to mind? 

How can reflexology/ masage/ sports massage/ aromatherapy help?

Consider her condition and with your knowledge plan a holistic treatment that could help.

Consider her lifestyle, diet, activity etc. What advice might you give? 

Consider areas where you might detect blocked energy when working the reflexes on the feet.

What essential oils would be beneficial for her and which ones would you avoid?

What advice would you have for Elizabeth. Aftercare?

Any other observations or questions.

Below is the live discussion of Elizabeth's case!